2 forms into one PDF

Formidable Forms Released
3 February, 2021 20:08:41
Topics: 3
Messages: 4
hi-I have 2 separate forms that are filled out together. Instead of having 2 separate pdf files generated, I would like the data from both forms to show up in one pdf file. Since I can only link one form to one pdf, is there a way to do this? I have placed the entry id from the first form into the second form. So for example, in the pdf field properties I need something like:

show data from form id=33" field id="101" where form id 33 entry id = [form id 34 field 1].

can you please advise if this is possible?

3 February, 2021 20:26:36
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
This may be accomplished in a couple of ways;
- Use Formidable Form's "Get Value from Entry" shortcodes as the value of the E2Pdf field.
- Add hidden fields to the 1st and 2nd form so that when either form is opened by the user, the hidden fields have the Get Value from Entry shortcodes in the default value field to populate the data from the other form. This way, no matter which webform the user opens first, the data will populate from the other webform, if any exists.

We are also testing new functionality to add a 2nd dataset to the PDF and expect to release a beta very soon.

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3 February, 2021 20:36:11
Topics: 3
Messages: 4
If I use the "Get Value from Entry" that means i have to have duplicate fields for all fields I want to show up on the pdf. The original fields on Form A, then again put the fields into Form B and have the data retrieved from Form A. That is a lot of work. I was hoping to avoid that.

Is there a way then, to merge 2 separate pdf's into one pdf during the email process?

3 February, 2021 20:54:15
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
Merging PDFs in E2Pdf is on our roadmap, but there is no schedule at this time for the release of the feature.

Could you merge the PDFs to make a single form to use in E2Pdf, then use the "Get Value from Entry" shortcode to populate the PDF fields? If you also need the individual forms to produce PDFs, then create three E2Pdf templates, one for each form and one combined which uses the "Get Value from Entry" shortcode to populate the PDF. Then use conditional statements to determine which E2Pdf template (or shortcode) to use.

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24 February, 2021 13:20:34
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

We just released RC version which supports this functionality. Keep in mind please that It's still under "beta" test as there was a lot of core changes to add this functionality however if you wish to test it, you can download it directly from here: https://e2pdf.com/download/latest or you can apply update now by turning on updates from "e2pdf.com". Option can be enabled at "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Release Candidate Builds" (screenshot 1). After enabling this option you must be able to check for updates at "Dashboard" -> "Updates" and update plugin as usual to version 1.14.00.

It's recommended to turn off this option after update

To use "Merged Items" feature you must set "Item" to "Merged Items" and select 2 forms. (screenshot 2)

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