Action Not Working

Formidable Forms Resolved
5 June, 2019 17:29:38
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I have a template that has several pages on it, and on the Page Options I have several pages with various actions. These actions work fine, unless I use the Show action. One example I have on a page is:

Show if [117:1] = New
if [118:1] = New Holland
(apply to All)

When I test this, the page shows even though I know the criteria isn't met. When I do the reverse, the page hides as it should:

Hide if [117:1] != New
if [118:1] != New Holland
(apply to All)

I don't know if you'll get the same results testing on your end or not, but if you need anything else from me to troubleshoot this let me know. Thanks!
5 June, 2019 20:14:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Page is shown by default, so to make it work, you need to create 2 actions. First must "hide" page by default, another action must "show" it according your "condition".

1) Hide page via such condition: if 1 = 1 then hide page.

2) Add your action with needed conditions to show it back.

Let us know please if this solution will work for you. Thank you.

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6 June, 2019 00:09:58
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
Ok, that makes sense. I'm used to the logic in Formidable Forms where if you set a condition such as Show value if [117:1] = New, then it will hide that value unless that criteria is evaluated to true. I just thought that was intended to be the same here and that there might be a glitch, but I can work with that no problem. Thanks!