Adresse format

Forminator Forms
21 October, 2020 15:37:46
Topics: 1
Messages: 3
In pdf my format address is changing
I'm submiting in my forminator form (42 rue de champagne)
in pdf I have (rue de champagne 42)
How can i fix it to get the same format as what i typed in the form
Thank you
21 October, 2020 15:54:59
Topics: 1
Messages: 3
Hi, I have Another question

I want to change my pdf name and rename it with fields {nam-1} and {name-2}

How can i do that
I tried
[e2pdf-attachment id="2" name="{name-1}-{name-2}-sixieme"] but it doesn't work

can you help me please
Thank you
21 October, 2020 15:57:49
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Check please if you do not set "RTL" option by mistake under field and no "RTL" option set globally (as on screenshot).

If it's not set:

1. Do you have correct value while viewing entry in Formniator directly?

2. Can you please attach screenshot of "Value" ("Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties" -> "Value")

We remain at your service.
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21 October, 2020 16:01:55
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419
Unfortunately we can't replicate issue with renaming PDF attachment inside email. It works like expected. Which name do you get while using this shortcode?

[e2pdf-attachment id="2" name="{name-1}-{name-2}-sixieme"]

If you will put {name-1} {name-2} just inside email will they render in correct value?

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
22 October, 2020 07:38:19
Topics: 1
Messages: 3
Hi, thank you for your replay
RTL option was checked it was the issue
it's resolved now
thank you very much

For the attachement file : [e2pdf-attachment id="2" name="formulaire_{name-1}_{name-2}_seconde"] this way it works

Have a great nice day