Attach extern pdf file to template

27 October, 2023 01:28:21
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
One of my template is generated and sent by mail when a custom woocommerce order status is activated.
I would like some files to be sent in attachment to this email. I can set the file link to the order or / and to the product.
Is it possible to use this link and attach his file to the email please?
Best regards
27 October, 2023 01:55:43
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Unfortunately no, E2Pdf doesn't have the functionality that allows to attach user-uploaded files to the WooCommerce mails, just own generated PDFs.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
28 October, 2023 08:34:09
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
Thank you. I finally create another e2pdf template and send it by mail with the first one! Best regards