Can a form fill out multiple PDF's?

7 September, 2018 11:05:11
Topics: 1
Messages: 2

I was just wondering if a user fills out a form and submits, on the next page can it fill out 20+ PDF forms using that data.

This is to save people writing the same details again and again. I look forward to hearing from you and purchasing soon
7 September, 2018 17:12:12
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
Yes, E2Pdf may be used as describe above.

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15 September, 2018 14:42:53
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Thanks for your response - that's great.

1- can the download links be placed in a customer account area instead of the form confirmation page?
2 - If a user fills in the formidable form and only selects 10 of the 20 PDF's to be printed can that be done dynamically through checkboxes?

many thanks
15 September, 2018 17:38:20
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
1) Yes, it's possible. You will need to know Entry IDs to generate E2Pdf Download Links. One of the way is to use Formidable View.

2) Yes. You can use Formidable Forms Conditional Logic and depending on filled data show or not show needed generated links.

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