Can formidableforms be made to create a single PDF file that contains an entry and files (PDF or JPEG) uploaded with the entry

Formidable Forms
14 September, 2020 18:06:46
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
I have formibableforms pro installed. I also have e2pdf and Formidable Forms to PDF installed. I can download an entry in PDF or email it as attachment but the PDF and JPEG submitted with the entry show up as links in the pdf.

Is there a tutorial or plugin or snippet that will make it possible for PDF and / or JPEG file uploads to merge with the generated PDF of text entries to produce a single PDF file containing text and file items for each entry?
15 September, 2020 05:47:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

If you need to convert image links to images then you must use "image" object instead of field which must be mapped to upload field id. (screenshot attached).

1. You must Drag&Drop "Image" from the right side.
2. Map it to upload Field ID via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Map" or set value manually via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties" -> "Value"
3. Setup needed options like "Keep Dimension" or other if needed via "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties".

If it will not work, or we incorrectly understand the task, attach please some screenshots what is the current output and which output do want to get. It will work only for images.

P.S. However if you need attaching files (JPEG/Other PDFs) directly as attachments inside PDF it's currently not supported. We have this point in out todo list however we can't tell you any approximate time at this moment when it will be released.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!