Conditionally display HTML-fields according to user selection possible?

18 November, 2018 22:01:44
Topics: 2
Messages: 7

I tried e2pdf with both caldera and formidable forms. Your tool works great!

Can you please help me with this scenario, as I was not yet able to realize this:
I want to set up a drop down that enables users to view the adress of their local embassy according to country they live in.

Drop Down Option 1 = "Germany". When selected the form will return an address field (HTML field) with
German embassy
Street Nr. 1
ZIP Town in Germany

Drop Down Option 1 = "Australia". When selected the form will return an adress field (HTML field) with
Australian Embassy
Street Nr. 1
ZIP Town in Australia

In both caldera and formidable forms this works fine.

Now, in the PDF, I want to display only the adress of the embassy that corresponds to the country chosen by the user in the drop down.

With "action parameters" this seems to work. But how do I have to configure e2PDF so that the output adresses are all being displayed at the same position in the PDF without having to overlay several HTML fields (which would make it hard to edit one of those fields at a later stage)?

I attached some screenshots to explain what I mean. Thanks for any advice on how to realize this,

18 November, 2018 22:16:42
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Thank you.

Just use the same way of actions as for "show" and "hide", but you need to select "change" and select parameter which will be changed if "condition" fire.

In your case you must change "Top" position.

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19 November, 2018 01:21:39
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
If using Formidable Forms, use a Lookup Field for the Country Dropdown to populate the HTML field using the 'Lookup Field' setting.

This way you can have just one web form field populated with the selected embassy address, and you can merge the one field to the PDF form without the use of "action parameters" or conditional logic.

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21 November, 2018 01:36:03
Topics: 2
Messages: 7
I was able to realize this scenario with Formidable Forms Pro, as suggested by you. Thanks!

Would this also work with Caldera or Gravity (lookup fields or which functionality to use instead)? I went for e2PDF but I am not yet sure which form builder to use. So I would highly appreciate if you could give me a hint on which to go for, so that I have maxium flexibility in the future.

Thanks again,

21 November, 2018 06:46:46
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
At this moment E2Pdf works with Caldera Forms and Formidable Forms from your list (Gravity not supported but expected in the beginning of 2019). Each of these forms is working pretty well. If you plan to use Formidable Forms Pro version, I would recommend it.

Regarding populating HTML fields. If you need to output data to pdf document then it's no matter how populated fields. You can use any compatible shortcode which can output value inside E2Pdf HTML Element whether it's INPUT or PARAGRAPH field. E2Pdf works with final entry data.

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21 November, 2018 09:38:56
Topics: 2
Messages: 7
Excellent, thank you very much for your great and reliable support! I will stay with Formidable Forms Pro and was able to perfectly realize my above scenario using E2Pdf.