Contents of Visual Mapper dialog not showing / Error 500

Divi Forms Bug Released
23 February, 2020 17:47:49
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
Hello. I'm trying to create a pdf template for use with a Divi Contact Forms module, but when trying to map any field regardless of type of field, when I click "Map Field", the loading animation plays for a second and then nothing. Nothing is showing in the Visual Mapper dialog, and I get a 500 error.

I previously tried disabling all other plugins, and then making other simple Divi form modules with and without conditionals but to no avail.

See attachment. Hope your team can help me out.
23 February, 2020 22:57:53
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
Hi, I am getting the same issue with Divi.
24 February, 2020 16:45:08
Topics: 7
Messages: 3417

We just released an update (1.10.04) which must solve conflict with latest update of Divi Contact Forms. Please update and let us know if you will still have any issues with using "Visual Mapper". Thank you.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
24 February, 2020 21:25:25
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
The last update seems to have solved the visual mapper dialog issue. However when writing the shortcode in the success message, it is shown as a plaintext see attachment. When placing it in a Divi code module nothing is shown. Am I doing something wrong?
25 February, 2020 07:54:54
Topics: 7
Messages: 3417
Unfortunately we could not replicate an issue.
1. Are you using Divi theme or Divi Builder?
2. Is it latest version?
3. Don't you have redirect option set on your form?
4. Can you please attach screenshot how is set the success message on form?

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
25 February, 2020 22:00:16
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
Yes I'm using the latest version (4.3.4) of Divi theme. I have set redirect to disabled in the Contact form module and only put the shortcode in the success message box. I'm pretty sure I'm the template connected to the correct form module, and have added "e2pdf" in the Admin Label. As you can see in attachment screenshots it seems like divi is changing some characters to plain text.
26 February, 2020 09:13:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3417
Hi, thanks, it seems the cause of issue.

We released a hot-fix but it must be checked until included in release, if possible:

1. Download attached zip file to this message
2. Unzip file
3. Backup old file before replacing.
4. Upload and replace "e2pdf-divi.php" via FTP at /wp-content/plugins/e2pdf/classes/extension/

If it will not work, try to replace shortcode to [e2pdf-view id="1" inline="true"]

Let us know please about result. Thank you.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
26 February, 2020 19:54:33
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
The hotfix didn't seem to work. Input [ is replaced by a "[", but after save and exit, the behavior is still the same, and "[" is replaced by %91 in the module editor. I enabled debug to confirm I'm using the latest version and that there are no errores in the plugin as you can see in the attachment