Create PDF from Fields

Formidable Forms
18 April, 2020 17:02:44
Topics: 6
Messages: 10
When creating a new Template, there's an item near the bottom of the window titled "Items."

And when the user clicks on the down arrow for "Items," the user can choose "Auto Form from PDF."

And then the user can click on the drop down box for "Labels," and the choices are "Field Values" and "Field Names."

Can you tell me what are "Field Values" and "Field Names"?

And in the very bottom of the window, on the right side, there is a checkbox for "shortcodes." Can you tell me what that is for and how that can be useful?

Thank you.
20 April, 2020 06:41:50
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

This functionality is developer to be able try recreate form from upload PDF.

"Field Values" - means that fields in newly created Formidable Form will be created with labels from filled PDF fields. For example if you have field in PDF with filled value "First name", field label will be "First name". (screenshot 1)

"Field Names" - means that fields in newly created Formidable Form will be created with labels from names of your PDF fields as each field has it's own name. (screenshot 2)

"Shortcode" option will add shortcode of field to label to have easier edit after creation. For example if it will be "Field Values" + "Shortcodes", Formidable Form field label will look like this: First name [123]

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