Diffrence between Page and Template

Formidable Forms
19 June, 2020 17:01:00
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
I am using Formidable Pro.

I just purchased the basic one.
I am still confused with the Tem & Page.

2) I need to create a PDF stragt from the Data displayed as (css screen print).
Is it possible or it happens only after submission?
20 June, 2020 09:29:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

1. E2Pdf Templates is currently each created PDF Template by which it must be generated PDF data. E2Pdf calculates only activated E2Pdf Templates (screenshot attached). "Pages" limit - is pages inside PDF and they are limited only in "FREE" version. Any License Key doesn't have any pages limits.

2. E2Pdf working in a bit in another way. Templates fully separated from Formidable Forms design and controlled by Drag&Drop and use Fields to PDF Mapping inside E2Pdf directly.

The process looks like this
- You create E2Pdf Template
- Create Fields/HTML objects inside PDF on needed places
- Map them with needed data shortcodes so E2Pdf Template can understand which data must be output in needed places.

Currently E2Pdf use "Static" positions and only E2Pdf HTML object can move data across pages, however it's still a bit limited.

While you create E2Pdf Template, you can try to use "Auto PDF" feature, it will try to generate PDF fields according form structure, after this you can modify them (resize, change it's positions, values, properties or add any custom fields with Drag&Drop interface). You can resize fields by DBL click on it or changing its properties by "Right Mouse Click" -> "Properties". However if form will be changed, new fields must be added manually or it must be regenerated E2Pdf Template. We have some examples of basic usage at our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/e2pdf

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