Display Post/Page Content using Gravity Forms (Best Practices)

Gravity Forms
21 August, 2021 00:07:39
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
What is the best approach for displaying user selected post or page content in a PDF?
In this scenario, the user selects from a drop down field in Gravity Forms: Post 1, Post 2, Post 3 or Post 4.
Upon submit, they receive a PDF generated by E2PDF of their selected Post.
21 August, 2021 06:38:34
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Can you please clarify:

- Do you want to send PDF generated exactly for Page/Post (E2Pdf Template connected to "WordPress" -> "Page") or do you need just to output Page/Post content inside PDF along with other Gravity Forms data?

- Do you have preset of Page/Posts from which you need to generate data? Like "select" with 4 options? Or it's dynamic? Can you share please screenshots how it's setup on your Gravity Forms on backend and how it's showing on frontend.

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21 August, 2021 19:16:39
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
I want to just output the post content inside a PDF along with other Gravity Forms data. I am currently using the perk/add-on "Gravity Wiz Populate Anything" to output the value (post content) of the user selected post and it works very well. However, if one did not want to use that perk/add-on, what would be the way (best practices) the E2PDF team would use to achieve the same thing.
22 August, 2021 06:12:57
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

The best way can be to add own modifier via "gform_merge_tag_filter" hook to modify from Post ID to Post Content (If it's saved like this): https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_merge_tag_filter/#description


And the usage inside E2Pdf must be as:


Or another way can be is to populate field value with post content directly on submission via other Gravity Forms hook https://docs.gravityforms.com/gform_pre_submission/#1-populate-a-field to have post content directly with submission.

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