Display woocommerce order fee label

15 December, 2023 06:16:51
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
I use e2dpf template to generate quotes from woocommerce orders.
I can display the custom fees added from woocommerce orders with this shortcode:
[e2pdf-wc-order key="fee" subkey="_line_total" index="0" order_item_meta="true"]
Is it possible to display the label too?
Best regards
15 December, 2023 06:43:46
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Usually, E2Pdf must output all available data from the order_item_meta data. If you are not able to find it, can you please clarify, do you use some 3rd party plugin for extra fees?

If so:
- If it's a "free" plugin, provide us the URL to it.
- If it's a "paid" plugin, can you please attach it to the next message? Mark it please "Private" so only we can see the message.

Or are fees added in some custom way?

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
15 December, 2023 07:15:03
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
Thank you,
I think this is the default woocommerce way:
15 December, 2023 08:51:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Can you try please to use the shortcode:

[e2pdf-wc-order key="fee" subkey="label" index="0" order_item_meta="true"]

If it won't work, can you please attach some additional screenshots of your tax setup: "WooCommerce" -> "Tax", and some additional screenshots where we can replicate the setup on our side?
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
16 December, 2023 05:53:35
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
It is not a tax. Just the manual adding fees feature from woocommerce. Add product > add fee.
16 December, 2023 07:14:04
Topics: 18
Messages: 54
Forget it. I just created a custom field to generate this label. Thank you again for the kind help!
best regards