Download form data

15 January, 2020 13:56:49
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Is it possible to view or download the data that is being stored by E2Pdf? I assume it's being stored because can be exported after the form is initially filled out. I would like to view or download all of the data in a txt file or CSV if possible. I see there is a "View Dataset" Link, nut it is always grayed out see screenshot. Is there a way to do what I'm asking?
15 January, 2020 14:21:01
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

It looks like you are using E2Pdf with Divi Contact Forms.

Unfortunately, Divi Contact Forms doesn't offer this functionality by default, it was extended by E2Pdf just to have at least possibility to export submitted data to PDFs from admin dashboard. Extending functionality to view/edit/download datasets will take pretty much time for development and support, also it will go on against the purpose of E2Pdf - exporting data to PDF.

We hope that Divi will release it's native support in future so we can connect it directly in future. The only way to get data - is develop custom plugin or get data directly from mysql database.

P.S. We have mass PDF export functionality in our roadmap, but, unfortunately, I can't tell you any approximate time when it will be released.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 January, 2020 14:44:41
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Okay. I was afraid of that. Thanks for the quick reply.

I did figure out a way to export the data from my PDF files to a spreadsheet using Adobe Acrobat (full version). Here is link to how to do it in case someone else has the same issue.

I also added a plug-in that will manage my Divi form data moving forward. Anyone in a similar situation can download it here: