Dropdown Menu Saved Value Shortcode

26 April, 2019 14:49:37
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
What's the shortcode to get the saved value of a dropdown field instead of the label? For instance, I have a Formidable Form with field ID = 412, and a Label = "Indiana" and Saved Value = "IN". I know I can use the shortcode [412 value="label"] in order to get the value "Indiana" returned, but what do I use if I want to return "IN" instead? Using [412 value="value"] didn't work for me. Thanks!
26 April, 2019 15:10:47
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

The correct shortcode that must show value is: [412 show="value"]

Read more about using shortcodes with separate values here on FormidableForms.com.

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26 April, 2019 15:16:53
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
Perfect, the [412 show="value"] worked great. I had tried [412] originally as well, and it defaulted to showing the label value "Indiana". Thanks again for the help!