Dynamic layout

Formidable Forms
17 May, 2021 17:59:20
Topics: 5
Messages: 15
Dear e2pdf support,

we have the following challenge: The customer/user can select among multiple add-ons to the main product via checkboxes. In other words: we have various options, and the customer/user can either leave thme unselected, select 1x or 2x for each option.

How can we list only those items that were checked in the final pdf? Is it possible to define somewhat a dynamic layout, where only those items that were selected (checkbox checked) show up as a list beneath each other?

With the current approach we show them all (see attachment), which takes up quite some space in the final pdf, and if we use absolute positions and just hide the elements that were not selected we end up with blank spaces in between selected options.

I hope you know what our challenge is; looking forward hearing from you, and cross fingers there is a solution somehow :-)

Best Regards from Munich, Germany
17 May, 2021 18:15:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If you need to leave it as follows: radio + text, the only way is to use "Actions" and "Conditions" and change its position dynamically at this moment.

For 1st element it will be 1 action (screenshot 1):
- "Hide" if Empty

For 2nd element it will be 2 actions (screenshot 2):
- "Hide" if Empty
- "Change" Top Position -30 (as example) if 1st element shortcode empty

For 3rd element it will be 3 actions (screenshot 3):
- "Hide" if Empty
- "Change" Top Position -30 (as example) if 1st element shortcode empty
- "Change" Top Position -30 (as example) if 2nd element shortcode empty

and so on...

P.S. As alternative you can use "HTML" element along with Formidable Forms [if] conditions however in this case it will not be possible to output "radio" buttons directly in PDF, just as text.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!