Dynamic position layout

29 August, 2021 09:48:25
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Hello !
I have trouble setting up my PDF template : we have several ACF fields that we will add to the page created with E2PDF, but the fields are not always the same length.
Thus, i would need the following e2pdf field to move up or down to adjust when the text is longer.

in the screenshot attached, i am trying for exemple to push the blue square down if the text above "pdf_resume" is longer than my field.

Is there any function or rule to do that ?
Thanks !
30 August, 2021 01:46:16
Topics: 7
Messages: 3345

Unfortunately E2Pdf can't yet detect the height of content and change other elements depending on its size. We are working on this feature however due the complex of task we do not yet have ETA when it will be released.

Currently the only way to have content move dynamically from top to bottom is to use 1 "HTML" object and place all values inside it. You can try to build such dynamic layout with tables as example. We also recommend to enable "Disable WYSIWYG Editor" option in case of complex layouts to avoid WYSIWYG to rebuild "HTML" depending on standards which can break built layout. Keep in mind also please that not yet all CSS support like "float" / width in "px", etc.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
5 September, 2021 12:41:14
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Hello ! thanks for your message i will be trying this method, thanks for the screenshots and explanations
Have a nice day