e2pdf-view Shortcode not Displaying PDF

Formidable Forms Bug Scheduled
25 November, 2019 14:01:23
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I have a page on my site that is setup as a View on Formidable Forms on which I use the shortcode:

[e2pdf-view id="8" dataset="[id]" flatten="1" height="1140"]

Currently, it is not generating the PDF and just shows the black background for it (see attached screenshot). On this same page, I have shortcode on it so that I can click to download the PDF:

[e2pdf-download id="8" dataset="[id]" flatten="1" button-title="No"]

I am able to click the link, download the file, and open the PDF successfully. So, I'm not sure why the PDF view shortcode is not displaying properly.

I have had this shortcode in place for at least 6 months and the only thing that has changed that I can think of since then is updates to the e2PDF and Formidable Forms plugins since then. I think there was an update to Formidable Forms that I did earlier last week, but I believe the PDF view shortcode has worked properly since then. If you need anything else from me to look into getting this fixed let me know. My employees use this every day I think as it is a great time saver. Thanks!
25 November, 2019 14:25:04
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Can you please check if view will be loaded for you on our demo page (at the bottom)? https://demo.e2pdf.com/wordpress/.

If yes, can you try please to open your view in "Private" tab or clear browser cache. If it will not help, check please if there any JavaScript errors via Chrome Developer Console please.

Thank you.

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25 November, 2019 14:38:42
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I am able to load the view successfully on the demo page. I opened the view in a Private tab and it still is not loading though. I attached a screenshot of my Chrome Developer Console which does show an error on the page, but seems to be related to another one of my plugins, Tawk.to, which is the chat service I use on the page. So, I wouldn't think that would be related to the view not displaying properly but let me know what you think after looking this over please. The chat service is working just fine (I used it this morning already) so I'm not sure what that error is even affecting. Thanks!
25 November, 2019 14:51:09
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Can you please prepare view on some test page so we can try to access it on your website directly, maybe under password protected page? From console it looks like pdf.js doesn't request PDF to load by some reason.

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25 November, 2019 15:34:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Unfortunately we can't replicate issue. PDFs loading for us after approximately 10 - 15 seconds. Did you try to wait a bit time as it seems pdf.js changed the way of loading and no indicator while requesting PDF.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
25 November, 2019 18:40:40
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Glad to hear it worked for you. We will try to update loading process to avoid such "cache" issues in future.

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