E2Pdf with Formidable Forms View

21 September, 2022 15:48:37
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
What would be the value of [id] in this case? Would this be the id of the formidable view?
22 September, 2022 00:50:10
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If you need to output the "View" inside PDF:

The connection will depend on where you wish to output the PDF download link as the "dataset" is the "Item" subset to which the E2pdf Template is connected. "Auto" dataset has limited support:

1. You can connect E2Pdf Template to "WordPress" -> "Views" and use the shortcode inside "View" as:

[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="123"], where "123" is the Formidable Forms View ID.


2. You can connect E2Pdf Template to "WordPress" -> "Pages" and use the shortcode inside "Page" as:

[e2pdf-download id="1"]


[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="123"], where "123" is the Page ID.

Inside the E2Pdf Template, in both cases it must be used Formidable Forms View shortcode as:

[display-frm-data id="345" filter=limited], where "345" is is the Formidable Forms View ID.

If you need to output PDF download links inside the "View" for each entry:

You need to connect E2Pdf Template to "Formidable Forms" -> "Form" and inside Formidable Forms View use:

[e2pdf-download id="1" dataset="[id]"]

* [id] will be replaced automatically with the Entry ID depending on Formidable Forms Filters.

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22 September, 2022 11:15:10
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Thank you very much. I didn't realize that I could include the view shortcode in a template. This is very helpful.