Edit formidable form to be resend

19 August, 2019 01:50:14
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Your plugin is just great I just cant find a way for editing a received form, let me rephrase
A user fills the formidable form and generates a pdf and receives an email, in my case the email will go only for admin, but in my case the admin will check the PDF al and look for mistakes, our forms are very complex to fill and user will for sure misplace or write wrong data, that is why we need to re check the form, fix mistakes and then send the right PDF file to user for him to print and sign.
How we can make this from the data over the entry which will make it easier to change and not over the PDF? This also because some fields will be copied on several pdf fields and if we miss the sound field to change there will be human errors.

Hope I did my self clear and most of all there is a way to edit the entry and rebuild the pdf.

best, and thank you for the hard job

19 August, 2019 06:21:45
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Thank you for using E2Pdf. If I understand task correctly it seems will be enough just to setup correctly logic with "email" actions to complete the task. Here is one of the possible solutions:

1. You can create field inside Formidable Form which will be visible only for administrators and will be updated after form review by editing entry.

2. Depending on this field value it will trigger needed "email" action which will send email to user with updated PDF

I attached some screenshots with example and marked important settings that must do the job.

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19 August, 2019 07:42:07
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
This means that the PDF will nor be sent until the admin changes the status of that field to yes and in the mean time the admin can do the changes to all the entries he thinks are wrong?
19 August, 2019 08:01:58
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Yes, correct.

When "Reviewed" will be changed to "Yes", user will get email. Until "reviewed" is set to "No" "email" action for user will not fire in the example above.

You can just create some Formidable form with actions to send emails based on user inputs conditions to see if it will work like you need and to understand the process.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
19 August, 2019 14:23:51
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Thank you for the quik and acurate answer, but still it would be nice to have on the formidable entry log the option to view the form and inside somewhere the option to print pdf
19 August, 2019 14:50:04
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
We have this option already in development and expect to add this feature in 1.09.xx/1.10.xx branch.

P.S. We moved your thread to "Feature Requests" and as soon as option will be added, we will update this thread to let you know how to activate and use it.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
19 August, 2019 16:33:38
Topics: 2
Messages: 69
CORRECTION: Optionally; Create a list of entries with a View PDF link using the E2Pdf shortcode in a Formidable View.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!
19 August, 2019 16:33:39
Topics: 5
Messages: 11
Perfect will try that!!!