email shortcode in file path not working

2 February, 2021 15:22:31
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
[e2pdf-save id="10" name="[29] [28] [id]" dir="wp-content/uploads/formidable/[118 show="user_email"]/" create_dir="true" overwrite="true"]

The above file path is not working. If I replace [118 show="user_email"] with the id of the email entered in the form it is ok. But for my requirements i need the users email on the wordpress account.

I obviously just added [118 show="user_email"] from the dropdown that pops up when you click the 3 dots. Wondering if there is something I have to change.
2 February, 2021 16:27:55
Topics: 2
Messages: 4
Looks like the issue was the quotes not being escaped so made it
dir='wp-content/uploads/formidable/[118 show="user_email"]/'
instead of
dir="wp-content/uploads/formidable/[118 show="user_email"]/"

and it worked fine :)