Emails No Longer Attaching PDF

Forminator Forms Resolved
22 September, 2020 20:01:11
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I have some Formidable Forms setup to send emails that I have e2PDF shortcode in (sample below). The shortcode has not been changed in over a year and has worked great with sending the PDFs with the emails. At the end of last week, I noticed that the PDF is no longer sending with the emails (other file uploads are still attaching to the emails just fine).

The only thing I can think that has changed is I made a server upgrade a week or so ago to my server (it's a virtual private server and just got more resources allocated to it such as RAM and storage space, so I don't think any server settings changed with that, but can't say for certain), and I have a developer working on modifying my search settings on my site, which should be completely unrelated to e2PDF / Formidable Forms.

Do you have any ideas on what I could do to troubleshoot this issue?

Sample Form Email Code:

[e2pdf-attachment id="8" dataset="[id]" flatten="1"]

<p>A sale has been deleted by [365].</p>

<p>Customer Name: [101]<br />
Units Sold: [498]<br />
Units Traded: [395]</p>

<p>Reason for deletion: [408]</p>

<p><a href="[id]">View this sale</a></p>
23 September, 2020 05:59:53
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Can you try please to change shortcode to [e2pdf-download id="8" dataset="[id]" flatten="1"] in one of your form, to see if it will generate download link? If it will work and link will be shown inside mail, can you let us know if you are using any mail plugins which can have for example async sending? If not, try please to enable debug mode via "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "Turn on Debug mode" and check if folders permissions "ok" under "E2Pdf" -> "Debug" page.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
23 September, 2020 14:09:14
Topics: 34
Messages: 111
I got this issue resolved. It had to do with storage space on my server being maxed out. I had another issue with uploading files which helped me put 2 and 2 together. It's now resolved. Thanks!