Export/import will escape Preg Replace Pattern wrongly

Bug Released
21 January, 2022 15:43:52
Topics: 5
Messages: 15
Dear e2pdf support,

I want to report a bug:

When I have a Property with e.g. a `Preg Replace Pattern` (I guess it might also apply to all Preg* fields) of `/ \(\d+ €\)/`, and then I export & import the e2pdf template, it becomes `/ (d+ €)/`.

Thus, the imported template will not match the exported one; typical escape of strings bug, and should be easy to reproduce :-)

Best Regards
21 January, 2022 22:44:24
Topics: 7
Messages: 3345

Thank you for letting us know. We could replicate an issue and scheduled a bug fix.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at WordPress.org!