Featured Images being blurry

WordPress Resolved
27 May, 2019 21:24:08
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
I'm mapping the image box to the standard [post_thumbnail] however each image is extremely blurry and does not represent the image true quality. Am I missing something here or is this a bug? I have tried scaling the image to different sizes however this does not improve the quality.
28 May, 2019 05:48:34
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

[post_thumbnail] shortcode using "thumbnail" (150x150) image size by default. You can change it by adding "size" attribute to shortcode:

[post_thumbnail size="full"]

Default Image sizes: thumbnail, medium, medium_large, large or full but it can be used also other custom registered image sizes.

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28 May, 2019 06:02:40
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Perfect! Thank you for your swift reply. Perhaps the best plugin I’ve ever used, keep up the good work :)