Fill Image Object with Image i.e. Cover

12 September, 2022 10:05:02
Topics: 4
Messages: 8
I've set up an image object on my template that takes a user-submitted image from Pods and places it on the document:
[e2pdf-wp key="image_no_2" path="0" attachment_image_url="true" size="full"]

I'm running into issues however with the image not filling up the entire frame if the uploaded dimensions are too small. I can get the image to stretch but this distorts it. What I'm looking for is the image should completely fill the box, retaining aspect ratio, and cropping any excess on the sides that is too big to fit.

I see the option to "contain" and "fill" but is there any way to "cover" and cut off anything that doesn't fit in the aspect ratio?

12 September, 2022 10:50:27
Topics: 7
Messages: 3417

Unfortunately, E2Pdf currently can't crop images or "fill" image objects with keeping the "aspect" ratio. We will review adding such a possibility.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!