Format Date shortcode outputs current date if empty

7 August, 2018 20:03:21
Topics: 6
Messages: 18
I have a date field that I'm formatting using the format date shortcode ( If the date field is empty, I want the field to be empty. Instead, the shortcode is causing the current date to be displayed.

Here is my exact shortcode: [e2pdf-format-date format='m-d-Y'][825][/e2pdf-format-date]

Is there a way for me to make it display nothing when the field is empty?
7 August, 2018 20:30:03
Topics: 7
Messages: 3377

You are correct that by default empty value must not be formatted to 'today' date.

We've just released an update (0.01.62) with fix. Let us know if now it's working like expected.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
7 August, 2018 21:01:51
Topics: 6
Messages: 18
Thanks you for the update, it works like expected now!