Formidable > Zapier > SignNow

Formidable Forms
22 September, 2021 08:29:07
Topics: 2
Messages: 9
thanks for your help connecting to Adobe Sign.

I'm trying to connect the same Formidable Forms to send a PDF to Zapier, from Zapier to SignNow. Using your Zapier workflow I'm able to send a PDF to SignNow... but it's not recognizing the signature field I added for Adobe. Is it because I'm sending a flattened PDF?

Also, how do I communicate to Zapier which email I would like to send the signature request to? I'm thinking 'args' will work for that.
23 September, 2021 00:37:47
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

We did check with "SignNow" and it seems yes, PDF must not be flattened but we are not sure if it can recognize "Siganture" fields automatically, at least manually it recognize it and offer to add it to PDF document.

As about Zapier, unfortunately latest stable version doesn't include "args" with zapier request however we currently released RC Version 1.16.29 which supports it. To update plugin to RC version you need to follow instruction here:

After update to latest RC version (1.16.29) you must be able to use shortcode as follows:

[e2pdf-zapier id="1" webhook="ZAPIERHOOK" arg1="[123]"]

* where [123] is the email field id or it can be replaced with any static email value. "arg1" will be included in Zapier request.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
27 September, 2021 18:58:44
Topics: 2
Messages: 9
SignNow has a feature called "text tags" that work like WordPress shortcodes. In other words, If I can include the text tags, AS TEXT, in the sent PDF, then SignNow will embed the signature field and date fields in the final PDF rendered at SignNow. Details here:

I'm going to send a non-flattened PDF with text tags embedded in the PDF template and see if that works.

Is it possible to swap out a NEW pdf template with an existing one, without having to position and map fields again? Could it be as simple as replacing the PDF on the server with a file with the same name?

28 September, 2021 02:10:17
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Thank you for clarification. If it will not work, let us know please so we can make checks from our side and check if we can do anything for compatibility.

As about replacing PDF:
As we understand you are using pre-uploaded PDF, if so, you must be able to replace "Original PDF" by click on "Replace PDF" button as on attached screenshot. Keep in mind please that "pages" which will be replaced must have same "width" and "height". By default it will leave old mapped fields (inside E2Pdf Template) and fields from re-uploaded PDF will be ignored.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
29 September, 2021 05:50:35
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

As we understand you are uploading PDF manually when it works. Can you try export data manually via "E2Pdf" -> "Export", save created PDF and after this try to upload these PDF to SignNow directly? Will be the fields recognized? Just to understand if the problem with generated PDF after E2Pdf process or the problem when it's used Zapier. Thank you.

P.S. We see difference but not connected text added to PDF as by default E2Pdf must not affect it.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
29 September, 2021 09:49:05
Topics: 2
Messages: 9
I just exported a PDF with data embedded, then uploaded it to SignNow.

I tested this TWICE with different settings - unflattened, and partially flattened (YES in the flatten dropdown in e2PDF export form).

1) The unflattened document, when imported, asked to create fields from the embedded fields in the PDF.
2) The partially flattened document imported EXACTLY the way I need it to -- with active signature fields but no extra blank fields, and did not prompt to import the extra blank fields. Perfect.

So it appears either Zapier or SignNow are processing the PDF and nulling the SignNow text tags. I'm going to submit this question to SignNow support to see what they say. Obviously, the Zapier implementation is the responsibility of SignNow, so they would know if it does something.

Thanks for helping me track this down. ALMOST THERE!

Greatly appreciate your continued support.
5 October, 2021 07:03:52
Topics: 2
Messages: 9
I think I may have discovered a workaround to accomplish what I need, using the SAVE function in e2PDF.

I successfully saved a semi-flattened PDF (flatten="1") to the host server. I tested it after creation by uploading to SignNow, and the signature fields appear in the document using the text tags. So far so good.

I've now successfully used the Zapier action "2. Upload Document & Extract Fields in SignNow" and the document uploads automatically into the SignNow dashboard with the signature fields intact. Very happy with that so far.

I'm trying to now figure out a way to send the SN document for signature automatically. Not sure there is a method to do that without buying their API version.