Generate Multiple PDF's from a batch of Entries

Gravity Forms
7 March, 2023 09:12:17
Topics: 5
Messages: 7
Hi Oleksandr

I would like to know if it it's possible to create 1 PDF document with multiple pages based on all the entries that match a certein criteria.

For example:

I have 100 entries in Form 1. Of those entries, 20 of them all have the same "Company Name".

Is it possible to create 1 PDF with a page for each of those 20 Entries? So 1 PDF which contains 20 pages?

Stephen Wall
7 March, 2023 13:13:15
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Unfortunately, there is no yet default possibility.

The only way is to output data via "HTML" and via a custom shortcode that will generate this "HTML" via GAPI.

If a such solution is suitable for you and you have enough knowledge, you can create a custom shortcode that will generate the needed "HTML" output. For example, for each entry, it can be generated a "table" with content. This shortcode must be placed in the "HTML" object with the "Multipage" option checked on. To make each entry on a separate page, it's possible to use style="page-break-before: always;" on each table or via custom "div" added before each table generation.

We are currently checking some other possibilities, for example, integration GravityView but not sure if we will be able to integrate it. So if will be any other possibilities or update in the nearest time, we will let you know ASAP.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!