Get connected taxonomies

26 April, 2021 11:54:45
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hi! I'm working on creating a dynamically generated product data sheet using this plugin and so far it's working great - however the last thing i really need to add to my product sheet is the corresponding brand which is saved as a taxonomy in my woocommerce installation. Is it possible to get this field somewhere? Any help would be much appreciated!
26 April, 2021 12:15:53
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Try please to use shortcode as follows ("brands" must be replaced with "taxonomy" key):

[e2pdf-wc-product key="brands" terms="true" names="true"]

If it will not work check please which output you will get with current shortcode:

[e2pdf-wc-product key="brands" terms="true"]

P.S. If it will not work It could be required to setup some filter via PHP for correct output however we need to see how you did setup so if possible attach please some screenshots so we can replicate it on our side and let us know if you use any 3rd party plugins for it. Thank you.

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26 April, 2021 12:22:17
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hi Oleksandr! Thank you for your swift reply. That did the trick - the first shortcode worked straight out of the box :) Thank you so much!