Gravity forms: hidden fields no labels in visual mapper

Gravity Forms
21 June, 2021 10:05:09
Topics: 7
Messages: 13
When using the visual mapper for a gravity forms, with Hidden Fields checked, the hidden fields are shown at the end of the visual mapper, but they have no labels? (even though they have labels in gravity forms)
So there is no way to know which field to map.

The hidden fields are shown as below, one after the other, no labels, as attached.

Is it possible to show the field label?


21 June, 2021 10:35:43
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

Unfortunately it's not yet possible however we will review the possibility to show also labels along with "hidden" fields. As a temporary workaround you can create temporary "textarea", disable "Auto Close", disable "Replace Value" in "Visual Mapper" and map all hidden fields to this "textarea" one by one. After this copy needed values to needed fields.

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