Hidden Fields

Formidable Forms
21 September, 2022 04:53:24
Topics: 4
Messages: 19

If I want to hide some field information from a specific role type then how can I do that?
For example, I have a role for Members in WordPress and I want to hide Office data from them from PDF View.
I tried and I think this can be done by Action settings of the field but what I have to define in IF and VALUE Conditions.

21 September, 2022 05:22:06
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If you need to show field depending on the user who is viewing PDF URL, you can use the [e2pdf-user] shortcode as:

Hide IF ANY:

[e2pdf-user id="current" key="roles" implode=", "] LIKE role
[e2pdf-user id="current" key="ID"] = 0

* "role" must be replaced with user "role"

2nd condition must check if the user has been logged in.

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21 September, 2022 07:02:26
Topics: 4
Messages: 19
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