[Hot-Fix] Max Font Size filter for 1.10.08

8 April, 2020 17:01:48
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415
1. Download attached zip file to this message
2. Unzip file
3. Backup old file, Upload and replace "e2pdf-templates.php" via FTP at /wp-content/plugins/e2pdf/classes/controller/

After applying fix it will be possibility to use "e2pdf_controller_templates_max_font_size" filter.

Example of code that can be used inside theme functions.php:

add_filter('e2pdf_controller_templates_max_font_size', 'e2pdf_controller_templates_max_font_size_custom', 10, 1);
function e2pdf_controller_templates_max_font_size_custom($max_font_size) {
return 112;

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