How can i hide specific div with css

24 January, 2022 07:55:23
Topics: 3
Messages: 11
in my wordpress content i have a special div which i dont want to be part of the pdf. How can i hide it in the pdf?
24 January, 2022 08:02:35
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Unfortunately CSS display: none currently doesn't supported, but we hope this feature will be available soon.

As a meanwhile solution:

If you need just to hide some content from specified post you can edit post content and exclude the content by adding as:

[e2pdf-exclude]content which must not be printed inside PDF[/e2pdf-exclude]

If it will not fit your needs or you have this div on all posts you can try to build preg_replace filter which will remove content with needed class or id but we need to understand if your div has any identifiers like "class" or "id" to prepare example.

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24 January, 2022 09:25:27
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
You can try to apply current construction to remove needed div:

Here is the simple regex example:

/<div class="classname">(.*?)<\/div>/is

It must be placed in Preg Replace Filter. Screenshot attached. If your div has another "classes" or different structure or "divs" inside it regex must be updated to match the value.

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