How can I put 3 different form entries on a single pdf template?

Formidable Forms
16 January, 2022 06:39:06
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
I am using Formidable Forms, and I have a form which have a repeater field.
Now, for example, if there are 3 entries from that form, I want to get all the data from the three entries and put it on my PDF template and map them accordingly to their own positions. Please see attached screenshot

So far, I can only do this for one form entry.
16 January, 2022 23:51:28
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Unfortunately E2Pdf was designed to output data from single entry and there is no built-in feature which can outputs multiple entries data in PDF by default. There are couple of possible solutions however it will require PHP, WordPress and Formidable Forms knowledge.

For example:

1. It can be created custom shortcode which will be used inside E2Pdf Template and which will output needed data from multiple entries depending on attributes set on that shortcode. This solution looks like most reliable to fit your needs but unfortunately if you do not have enough knowledge you will need to hire PHP developer.


2.1 You can try to create Formidable Forms View which will output all needed information, as it can output and generate data from multiple entries.

2.2 Create "HTML" object inside E2Pdf Template and use Formidable Forms View shortcode ([display-frm-data id=1830 filter=limited]) as "Value".

P.S. Content from parent "HTML" block (main) can be continued to next pages/next "HTML" block via "Splitting content over pages" feature. You can check this video example: In general It will be parent "HTML" block where will be placed Formidable Form "View" shortcode ([display-frm-data id=1830 filter=limited]) and child "HTML" blocks on other/same pages, where "Parent" setting will be set to the parent "HTML" block ID.

* "Hide Page (If Empty)" checkbox inside "Properties" can be used for "child" blocks: for example when "child" block will be placed on another page and you will need to hide this page if content will fit in previous blocks (to avoid empty pages).

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