How to add images of woocommerce products

21 April, 2023 07:56:07
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
Hi everyone!

Using E2PDF is very new for me and i am not able to add on my template the image code of woocommerce products.
Except the main image using : [e2pdf-wc-product key="get_image" size="full"] which is working perfectly.
I couldn't find the code for image 2, 3, 4 ....

If someone can help me, it would be fantastic! Thanks a lot!
21 April, 2023 09:05:02
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently updating our documentation and hope it will be available soon to cover the most common questions.

Can you try please using the shortcodes below please:

1st image:
[e2pdf-wc-product key="get_gallery_image_ids" path="0" attachment_image_url="true" size="full"]

2nd image:
[e2pdf-wc-product key="get_gallery_image_ids" path="1" attachment_image_url="true" size="full"]

3rd image:
[e2pdf-wc-product key="get_gallery_image_ids" path="2" attachment_image_url="true" size="full"]

and so on.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!