How to check radio button value for conditional display

30 April, 2024 02:00:11
Topics: 1
Messages: 2

I am currently auto creating an estimate from a form. With autocreating the form displays all selected radio buttons
on the pdf. I just want the value of the selected radio button.


Right now its like this:

〇 Option one
⦿ Option two

And I just want to display the selected radio button, like this:

- Option two

I am currently using a html block to display the content dynamically. But I can't seem to get the conditional validation right. I am
currently using:

If: {radio-1} Condition: Contains Value: two

And I am using the change property action, with the property set to value.

I also tried the condition: = but this also doesn't seem to work. I am not sure that I am doing this the right way.
Can someone help me fix this?
30 April, 2024 04:25:38
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Can you please attach the screenshot of the current setup of action?

P.S. For radio buttons it can be used "=". To get the correct value for comparison, you can temporarily create "textarea", map it with {radio-1}, and export to PDF to see which value is rendered via field slug and exactly this rendered value must be used for comparison.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
30 April, 2024 06:15:22
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hello, I already figured it out. The "=" operator was the way to go. And the value to compare is what you put in the option from the radio button. This was a forminator problem for future people with the same problem