How to combine two shortcodes

Formidable Forms
22 June, 2023 03:01:42
Topics: 1
Messages: 4

I have some data that is comma separated that I need to display in a column. I am currently using this shortcode that works.

[e2pdf-format-output search="," ireplace="<br>"][326][/e2pdf-format-output]

In addition to this I also need to format the data. I am using this shortcode with success in the other columns.

R [e2pdf-format-number explode="," decimal='2' thousands_sep=","][363][/e2pdf-format-number]

How do I combine both of these into a single statement?

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards
22 June, 2023 03:11:04
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Is it correct that each comma-separated value from [326] must be a formatted number? If yes, try to use this shortcode:

[e2pdf-format-number explode="," decimal='2' thousands_sep="," implode="<br>"][326][/e2pdf-format-number]
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22 June, 2023 03:37:44
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
Thank you for the quick response. What you have stated is correct. I replaced the following as a test:

Monthly Payment
Was: [e2pdf-format-output search="," ireplace="<br>"][363][/e2pdf-format-output]
Now: [e2pdf-format-number explode="," decimal='2' thousands_sep="," implode="<br>"][363][/e2pdf-format-number]

Interest Amount
Was: [e2pdf-format-output search="," ireplace="<br>"][364][/e2pdf-format-output]
Now: [e2pdf-format-number explode="," decimal='2' thousands_sep="," implode="<br>"][364][/e2pdf-format-number]

The comma separated values are being put on a new line as required but the first value is now 0.00.

I've attached some references.

Also, I need to add an R before the numbers for the currency.
22 June, 2023 03:52:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
Strange, we can't replicate the issue on our side.

Can you please create a "textarea" inside E2Pdf Template and map it with the shortcode [364]. After this export PDF and attach the screenshot where we can see the original output in it?

Is [364] an "input" field? Or it's some other type used?
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
22 June, 2023 04:25:10
Topics: 1
Messages: 4
I am using HTML fields.

The issue was that there was a <p> tag included that originated from how field in Formidable Forms.

I have attached a screenshot for future reference.

Last requirement is that I need to add a R in front of each number to denote the currency.
22 June, 2023 04:35:35
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
The final shortcode will be:

R[e2pdf-format-number explode="," decimal='2' thousands_sep="," implode="<br>R"][364 wpautop=0][/e2pdf-format-number]

If you can have the field completely empty, then you can add a "Hide" action to hide first "R".
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