How to directly download the pdf after clicking the submit button of a form?

Formidable Forms
21 October, 2022 06:01:32
Topics: 4
Messages: 9
Dear support team.

Is it possible to create link for download pdf that can be used on the redirect submit link for a formidable form?

In this way when a user submits a form it gets directly the pdf download without any other page or click on a download link?

Thank you very much for your support
21 October, 2022 07:18:41
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

You must be able to use shortcode inside "Redirect URL" as:

1. [e2pdf-download id="1" esc_url_raw="true" output="url"]

P.S. Keep in mind please that E2Pdf Template must have an "inline" setting "On" or it must be added inline="true" attribute to the shortcode. Also, a such redirect can fail in case the "browser" which is used by the user doesn't have a built-in PDF viewer or have some 3rd party download extensions.

Or another possible way is to use a built-in PDF viewer of E2Pdf as "Redirect URL" as:

2. [e2pdf-view id="1" output="url"]

P.S. It's supported currently only in the RC version:

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
21 October, 2022 07:43:32
Topics: 4
Messages: 9
Dear support team,

you are amazing. The first answer works perfect for me.

Thank you so much for your fast and professional answer.