How to place Firstname Lastname next to each other

Formidable Forms Resolved
23 June, 2019 09:02:30
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
I have a Formidable Forms form with input fields for Firstname and Lastname.

The PDF I want to map these to has just Name: _____________

I would like to be able to put the Firstname and Lastname next to each other on the PDF without any space to the right of Firstname.

I tried putting in the Value of the Textarea [11] [12] (these being the filed IDs) but the Lastname is output under the Firstname in that case.

Is what I want to do possible or do I need to redesign my Form?
23 June, 2019 09:14:54
Topics: 7
Messages: 3419

Are you using "HTML" object to output data or "Textarea" field?

Possible issues:

1) "Width" of field/object is less then "First name" and "Last name". If so, try to increase.

2) If it's okay check if "value" doesn't have any unwanted formatting. To check it: "Right" Mouse click on object/field -> "Properties" -> "Value". You will see there non-formatted "value", it must contain only: [11] [12] without new lines and other "html" tags.

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23 June, 2019 09:20:03
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hi Oleksandr,

I'm using a Textarea field.

I only have the width set to 90 which was way too small. I've increased it and the [11][12] are being output nicely next to each other now.

Thanks for the quick help!