HTML images not showing

16 September, 2020 02:46:50
Topics: 4
Messages: 14
Hi, I was inserting images into the form using HTML Objects. This does not work now to show the image. Can you please re enable it. I would like to be able to insert images using HTML like <img src="" width="500">
16 September, 2020 13:13:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

It looks like issue connected with "https" certificate on server. We are currently checking the issue and will let you know as soon as it will be any news. Sorry for inconvenice.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
16 September, 2020 13:49:07
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Can you please switch at "E2Pdf" -> "Settings" -> "PDF Processor" -> "Release Candidate (For Beta Testers ONLY)" and check if PDF will loads correctly (screenshot 1).

If no errors will appear, switch please "PDF Processor" back to "Stable", Turn on updates from "Update from" on same page ("E2Pdf" -> "Settings"), check for plugin updates via "Dashboard" -> "Updates" and update plugin to "1.12.05" version (screenshot 2). It's recommended to turn of "Update from" option after update.

Let us know please if on any of this step you will face any issues.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
17 September, 2020 00:42:32
Topics: 4
Messages: 14
Great! Thankyou that worked :)