HTML Object - Nested List

Formidable Forms
22 April, 2021 21:53:11
Topics: 3
Messages: 7
Hi Oleksandr,

Any chance nested list capabilities to be added in the near future? Or am I making an error?

HTML Example:

<li>Sample Text
<li>Nested Text</li>
<li>Nested Text</li>

23 April, 2021 06:05:50
Topics: 7
Messages: 3415

If you have control over sources you must be able to use inline "style" or "custom" class to "ul" list.

If inline:
<ul style="padding-left: 20px;">

If class:
<ul style="test">

And CSS must be added to "CSS" section. Screenshot 1.

If you do not have control over sources you can add global style for "ul" in "CSS" section however currently it will be applied to all "ul" used inside "HTML" block. Screenshot 2.

Let us know please if any solution will fit your needs and will work for you. Thank you.

P.S. We hope to add nested css style/tags support for "CSS" section in future, however currently it's only in our "roadmap" stage.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!