Html's Action

Forminator Forms
29 April, 2021 07:20:58
Topics: 4
Messages: 16
I have created a Forminator form with Html fields and checkbox fields. I have made a actions. For exemple: If checkbox=1 change value to {html-1}; if checkbox=2 change value to {html-1} <br>{html-2}. When I leave the value empety, nothing is printed, when I add {html-1} to value, the actions are not applided. Please help.
Best regards
29 April, 2021 08:13:27
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

It looks like you are doing incorrect comparison with "1" as value. You can check to which value rendered {checkbox-1} by creating simple "textarea" and put value as "{checkbox-1}" (screenshot 1). The value which you will see must be added instead of "1". If you are using Forminator 1.10.x then usually it's used "label" as value (screenshot 2), so we expect that comparison must be as on (screenshot 3 )depending on our "label".

Also, if you need to "Merge" values, for example if {checkbox-1} and {checkbox-2} will be checked and you will need to print {html-1} and {html-2} you will need to use "Merge" action instead of "Change" action, as "change" action will replace whole value. (screenshot 4).

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29 April, 2021 16:47:01
Topics: 4
Messages: 16
Thanks. It's OKAY.