If i purchase $30 plan, can i upgrade to $50 plan later if needed?

25 January, 2022 03:01:46
Topics: 3
Messages: 6
If I purchase a $30 plan, can I upgrade to a $50 plan later if needed? if possible what are the conditions for that?
25 January, 2022 03:30:45
Topics: 7
Messages: 3394

You can upgrade License Key by paying the difference at any time. The price will be calculated as the price till License Key expire date (which you are trying to update) minus previous payment.

"Upgrade" link can be found at your account: https://e2pdf.com/dashboard/licenses after License Key purchase


You can upgrade it directly from here: https://e2pdf.com/checkout/license/upgrade.

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25 January, 2022 04:58:11
Topics: 9
Messages: 16
Ok, thank you. purchase done. :)