Image not mapping from ACF Image field

19 March, 2020 17:15:06
Topics: 3
Messages: 10
Hi there,

I'm trying to map images from ACF image fields into the PDF but it keeps showing the attached image. The image files are hosted locally in the WordPress media library.
19 March, 2020 17:34:03
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

It looks like your ACF Image field is set to output Image ID instead URL.

To output such data you need to modify shortcode value to:

[meta key="image" attachment_image_url="true" size="full"]

More options can be found by this link:

P.S. Keep in mind please that correct meta key from your screenshot is used on image object with output 4835.

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19 March, 2020 18:03:04
Topics: 3
Messages: 10
This is great! Thank you

Is there a way to adjust the size that the image shows? In the example you gave, it's pulling the full sized image. Is there a way I can all another size? Or perhaps set a size?

Not all of the images are exactly the same size so I'm finding that they are getting stretched and or squished
19 March, 2020 18:14:00
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413
You can try to set "Keep Dimension" checkbox on "Image" object or try to use "different" size attribute in shortcode, for example: size="thumbnail" (image will be cropped to fit 150x150).

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
19 March, 2020 19:25:53
Topics: 3
Messages: 10
Thank you! This worked perfectly!