Image upload problem

Caldera Forms Resolved
29 March, 2020 19:53:33
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Hey i cant put images to pdf with upload option (caldera form). Uploaded images are like;

Can u help me please?Thank you.
29 March, 2020 20:43:23
Topics: 1
Messages: 2
Found the solution;
You have to pick some options at caldera form.
"Add to media library" and "max upload file size"

Hope it helps you too.
30 March, 2020 09:07:28
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

Yes, it's correct to set "Add to media library" to have file saved while uploading, as PDF must have access to it while generation which is not possible if file not saved on server. Thank you for posting solution for other users.

We remain at your service.
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