Images justified to left

Formidable Forms
8 April, 2024 21:36:50
Topics: 11
Messages: 30
I need help/advise. These icons are the different amenities for a property, and they have the corresponding number underneath each icon.
Is there any way to have these be more dynamic and justify them to the left? For example, if the Agent selects nothing for the 'car' because that property has no garage space for a car, then that car icon needs to disappear (i already know how to do this), but what I would like is if that 'area' icon on the right could then move (or justify) to the left where that car icon was instead. And vice versa for all the icons.

I image a new feature to group fields/objects and justify to left would work perfectly for this.

At the moment the only way I see this being possible is making a html field with a table of the images and fields underneath, and then a ton of Actions to hide columns if an amenity = 0 etc.
9 April, 2024 07:08:52
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

If you have just "a single" line of items, you can try to use "Actions" and "Conditions" to move elements dynamically.

Please see the screenshots attached.

1. Element will be hidden if the value is empty

2. Element will be hidden if the value is empty
+ It will be moved to the left to -100px in case the value of the first element is empty

3. Element will be hidden if the value is empty
+ It will be moved to the left -100px in case the value of the 1st element is empty
+ it will be moved to the left for another -100px in case the value of the 2nd element is empty.

* Totally in -200px in case 1st and 2nd element values are empty.

If the solution does not work for you, let us know please as it must be also possible to use the "HTML" object element and try to combine it with the new Logic Shortcodes feature to check if the value is empty or not:
We would really appreciate your feedback at!