Images not appearing on pdf

15 March, 2019 13:22:24
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
Hi, images from my posts are not displaying on the PDF's.

Is there something I need to enable to get this working?
15 March, 2019 15:59:14
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

If you are not getting any errors upon rendering "PDF" it can be couple of reasons:

1) Currently E2Pdf can render only full path images from "page/post" like src="" etc. So it can be that Image URL has not full path inside "page/post".

2) Image size is bigger than block where "content" must be inserted (If "width" and "height" is not set)

P.S. Unfortunately, current support of rendering "pages/posts" is limited due the structure of E2Pdf plugin, html support and it's way of rendering elements, as the main purpose of it - is exporting data from forms. But we are working on its improvement to have possibility of correct export of "pages/posts" content to custom pre-built template.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!