Incompatible type when trying to upload .ttf files

Formidable Forms Bug Resolved
20 December, 2019 17:41:46
Topics: 2
Messages: 11
I've successfully uploaded a number of fonts, using the Fonts tab in Settings. But when I try to upload a couple of .otf fonts that I've converted to .ttf, I get an incompatible type error. I'm using the latest version of E2pdf (1.09.07). I've attached the converted .ttf fonts I'm trying to upload, and the original .otf versions as well.
20 December, 2019 18:32:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

It seems converted fonts missed needed information/doesn't have same structure as native .ttf fonts. We will check if it can be fixed and if such fonts will be possible to use with E2Pdf.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
26 December, 2019 13:07:09
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378

We just released an update 1.09.08 which support .otf fonts.

P.S. Keep in mind please that instead of NotoSansSC / NotoSansTC / fonts you must use NotoSansCJK / NotoSansCJKsc / NotoSansCJKtc to have correct render inside PDF.

Let us know please if it will be any issues with uploading/using .otf fonts. Thank you.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
11 January, 2020 19:30:58
Topics: 2
Messages: 11
Thank you SO MUCH for adding support for .otf fonts!!!!!
11 January, 2020 20:13:55
Topics: 7
Messages: 3378
Thank you for giving us 5 stars. However, after release we found issue with rendering some CJK text inside fields. It was already fixed, but not yet released. We plan to include fix within next update which expected on Tuesday/Wednesday. If you need to use it earlier, you can edit file:


Search: 1.09.08
Replace with: 1.09.09

Or download attached file, unzip it and replace e2pdf-api.php at /wp-content/plugins/e2pdf/classes/model/ via FTP.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!