Inconsistent .pdf display with project

3 December, 2021 05:08:54
Topics: 5
Messages: 15

I am having a problem generating a pdf correctly. Everything was working fine until now, unfortunately after the update the pdfs are not generating properly. On the administration side it shows the tables well and on the preview the table has only 3 columns. How can I solve this problem.

Thank you for your help
3 December, 2021 06:52:39
Topics: 7
Messages: 3346

We are sorry for inconvenience.

As we understand you updated plugin to RC 1.17.x version. Issue happens due the incorrect number of table columns on 1st row as in 1.17.x version it was added some fixes for correct support of "colspan" and "rowspan" which required us to change some behavior of rendering "HTML" tables. Browsers can render such tables however current version of E2Pdf (1.17.x) - can't. It must be used correct number of rows on 1st row so it can be converted correctly to PDF format. As currently 1.17.x is RC version, we hope that we will be able to add backward compatibility for such "built" tables till "stable" release however it's not guaranteed as this moment.

To fix this on current version - you can try to just correct the number of columns in 1st "row" by adding another "td" element as:

<td colspan="8" rowspan="2"></td>

Table on backend and PDF must look like on attached screenshots after correction.

We remain at your service.
We would really appreciate your feedback at!
3 December, 2021 07:57:00
Topics: 5
Messages: 15
For me, it is a very good solution, what you provided, I am satisfied. Thank you for fast help....
