Is is possible to change a PDF without redo-ing mapping

22 April, 2019 09:48:13
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Say the underlying PDF changes, is there a way to re-upload a NEW PDF with all the mapping fields staying in the same places on the new PDF? Or once you change the underlying PDF, do you need to redo the entire mapping each time?
22 April, 2019 10:09:01
Topics: 7
Messages: 3420

Yes, It's possible to replace Original PDF (Screenshot attached).

To save mapped fields DO NOT CHECK Flush Elements checkbox. We recommend to duplicate Template before replacing PDF to avoid any data loss.

Keep in mind please that when replacing PDF, pages that already exist inside "E2Pdf Template" must have same width and height.

We remain at your service.

We would really appreciate your feedback at!
22 April, 2019 10:10:20
Topics: 9
Messages: 32
Thanks again guys! Great work!