Is it possible to create other documents from form data than the form itself?

Formidable Forms
1 August, 2019 18:35:35
Topics: 1
Messages: 1
wasn't sure reading your website and documentation if your plugin allows this: I'd like to generate some other PDF docuements based on data from teh form input - like a contract which is filled by user data from the form and generated from a document template, where I'd like to add active fields inside the text. Is that possible?
1 August, 2019 19:01:22
Topics: 7
Messages: 3413

Text and shortcodes inside E2Pdf Template can be mixed with any way inside value.

If you will use for example "html" element with this value:

"Form was submitted by [123]"
where [123] is the ID of Formidable Form Field ID

E2Pdf will convert this value to "Form was submitted by INPUT VALUE".

You can connect any number of Templates to one form, so output information will depend on the mapping and look of PDF.

If I understand incorrectly the question, can you please clarify what do you mean by "create other documents from form data than the form itself?" Thank you.

By the way you can test E2Pdf absolutely free by downloading it at We do not limit any functionality except number of "Activated Templates" (1) and number of "Pages" inside this template (1). Also you can check some video examples at our YouTube channel to understand the way of generating PDFs with E2Pdf better.

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